Страница скопирована с блога Ефимовой Инны Альбертовны.
Автор он-kайн упражнений Ефимова И.А.
Learning Apps
For the 3rd Grade students LEVEL 2 (3 класс к учебнику Верещагина И.Н.)
Exercise1 (revision: to be, have,has)
Exercise 2 to be (Lesson 2)
Exercise 3 crossword (Lessons1-2)
Exercise 4. Informal letter. (SB lesson2)
Exercise 5.These- those (SB Lesson3)
Exercise 6. Present Simple (do, does)
Exercise 7. Present Continuous
Exersise 8.Present Simple vs Present Progressive
Exercise 9. Кроссворд семья для контрольного диктанта
Exercise 10. Притяжательный падеж
Exercise 11. Разделительный вопрос (Tag Question)
Exercise12. Agree or Disagree (с.33 №4)
Exercise 13 Future Simple (shall,will)
Exercise 14 Grammar revision (3d form lessons1-14)
Exercise 15 Pr.simple,Pr. cont., Future Simple
Exercise 16 Past Simple/ Present Simple
Exercise 17 Past Simple to be (was/were)
Exercise 18 Past Simple irregular words (pages 49-63)
Exercise 19 Общие вопросы в настоящем и прошедшем времени
Exercise 20 Present Continuous (Revision)
Exercise 21 Past Simple (специальные вопросы, ключ- вопрос и ответ)
Exercise 22 TO BE (present and Past) Ключ- 3 строчки
Exercise 23 Present Simple/ Past Simple (ключ- предложение)
Exercise 24 Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые
Exercise 24 a mush/ many/ a lot of
Exercise 25 Thereis/there are/there was/there were
Exercise 25А is, am, are, have, do, did, was,were
Exercise 26 Кроссворд Праздники
Exercise 27 еда (повторение, с.83)
Exercise 28 Billy's Birthday
Exercise 29 Holidays (quiz)
Exercise 30 Общие и специальные вопросы и вопрос к подлежащему
Exercise 31 Holidays (pairs)
Exercise 32 Подготовка к К.Р. за 2 четверть!
Exercise 33 Обобщение по 4 временам! (3 Simple+ Pr. cont.)
Exercise 34 Подготовка к АКР (середина марта)
Exercise 35 (The Greedy woman) T/F
Exercise 36 (The Greedy Woman /order)
Exercise 37 (The Greedy Woman/find a pair)
Exercise 38 (к учебнику. с.65)
Exercise 39 Повторение грамматики (начало апреля)
Exercise 40 (something, anything, nothing)
Exercise 41 (somebody, anybody, nobody)
Exercise 42 (some, any, no, something,somebody)
Exercise 43 (crossword seasons and months)
Exercise 2 to be (Lesson 2)
Exercise 3 crossword (Lessons1-2)
Exercise 4. Informal letter. (SB lesson2)
Exercise 5.These- those (SB Lesson3)
Exercise 6. Present Simple (do, does)
Exercise 7. Present Continuous
Exersise 8.Present Simple vs Present Progressive
Exercise 9. Кроссворд семья для контрольного диктанта
Exercise 10. Притяжательный падеж
Exercise 11. Разделительный вопрос (Tag Question)
Exercise12. Agree or Disagree (с.33 №4)
Exercise 13 Future Simple (shall,will)
Exercise 14 Grammar revision (3d form lessons1-14)
Exercise 15 Pr.simple,Pr. cont., Future Simple
Exercise 16 Past Simple/ Present Simple
Exercise 17 Past Simple to be (was/were)
Exercise 18 Past Simple irregular words (pages 49-63)
Exercise 19 Общие вопросы в настоящем и прошедшем времени
Exercise 20 Present Continuous (Revision)
Exercise 21 Past Simple (специальные вопросы, ключ- вопрос и ответ)
Exercise 22 TO BE (present and Past) Ключ- 3 строчки
Exercise 23 Present Simple/ Past Simple (ключ- предложение)
Exercise 24 Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые
Exercise 24 a mush/ many/ a lot of
Exercise 25 Thereis/there are/there was/there were
Exercise 25А is, am, are, have, do, did, was,were
Exercise 26 Кроссворд Праздники
Exercise 27 еда (повторение, с.83)
Exercise 28 Billy's Birthday
Exercise 29 Holidays (quiz)
Exercise 30 Общие и специальные вопросы и вопрос к подлежащему
Exercise 31 Holidays (pairs)
Exercise 32 Подготовка к К.Р. за 2 четверть!
Exercise 33 Обобщение по 4 временам! (3 Simple+ Pr. cont.)
Exercise 34 Подготовка к АКР (середина марта)
Exercise 35 (The Greedy woman) T/F
Exercise 36 (The Greedy Woman /order)
Exercise 37 (The Greedy Woman/find a pair)
Exercise 38 (к учебнику. с.65)
Exercise 39 Повторение грамматики (начало апреля)
Exercise 40 (something, anything, nothing)
Exercise 41 (somebody, anybody, nobody)
Exercise 42 (some, any, no, something,somebody)
Exercise 43 (crossword seasons and months)
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